
Renee Borges


Telehealth Only

Telehealth Only !

My specialty is a client who has trauma, and they've never had the help they need for it. They have depression and anxiety and want to lessen them and cannot remember key childhood memories. They may have sought counseling for, but they are still being triggered in their life, and still have not got the relief they so desire. They may have also struggled with substance or other abuse, and they may have given up, or are still seeking relief. The tenets of trauma are multifaceted and the person is impacted emotionally, physically, and mentally, and want to find out how to deal with their past/present to be happier and whole.

I will determine the depth of depression and anxiety and treat each one alone, or whatever mental or physical diagnoses that one may be experiencing. I am by training a Cognitive Behavioral Therapist, however I use many research based therapies depending on what is best for the needs of the client. I am also an EMDR Trauma Therapist, and specialize in that. I would find out why you are seeking therapy and would invite you to work on things with your whole heart. I tell people that they deserve happiness and relief by addressing their problems in a safe & judgement free zone and somewhere that includes a spiritual place of your choosing for healing, to become happier and whole, and filled with peace and love.

Contact Counselors of Texas

Special Rates - For Limited Time
Individual $95
Evaluation $120
Couples and Family $120